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Doug Buttimer
Graphics Advanced Development
Mid 80s
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Drink Problem

It is no secret that Genoa (3270 PC-GX) suffered from RFI problems. This was in the days before F-block and the RFI testing facilities (such as they were) resided in a shed at the entrance to the deep-south car park !!! (Ideally placed … NOT !) Anyway, it was getting close to announce and a number of us were in Raleigh grappling with RFI problems including the PA to our 3rd line manager. Now this guy (who I shall refer to as ‘M’) was great but he did have a rather baby face and was blond. The normal regime was that after a shift in RFI, we would all meet up afterwards and have a meal and a few drinks. This one evening, we had all arrived except ‘M’ – it turned out that he had been refused entry for being under age and had to go back to the hotel for his passport !! Needless to say, ‘M’ got a dreadful ribbing that evening, and for quite a time afterwards !! Luckily, his great sense of humour clicked in after a few hours !!